My name is Libin George (Specialist Nurse - Anesthesia and Critical Care).
I am the founder of Care with Concept GmbH and would like to introduce you to our work.
I have created this page to support you with different themes which will help you in your work in Germany. I use a lot of words Which you normally use in every day-to-day life here at your work.
We will start with basics and then move on to more detailed themes like Ventilator , ECMOs etc
Nurses to Germany - Our Services are 100 % Free for our Candidates
We are committed to fair and ethical recruitment. And we treat everyone same irrespective of their Personal
"We don't just place nurses. It is our self-understanding to exploit the potential of each and every
Person can develop and through our comprehensive care, each one
is conveyed in a humane and professional manner. We help you to analyse and find a suitable profile for you"
You have questions regarding German Health system, working and living in Germany, We are here to answer any of your questions. We can help and guide you in finding your matching place and Hospital of your Wish.
We enable the nurses to work in their dream job as a Nurse in a long-term employment relationship
The comprehensive range of Care with Concept GmbH recruitment services for nurses from abroad, ensures that the recruited employees feel well taken care of. Please click on the link to read in detail about our different phases of Recruitment and Integration.
Nurses to Germany - Working in Germany as a Nurse
Nurses to Germany - Working in Germany as a Nurse
Washing a patient in Germany , Pflege , Waschen im Bett, Kerala Nurses in Germany, Care with Concept
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Pneumonieprophylaxe, Praxis oriented explanation. Kerala Nurses to Germany
Eine Pneumonie (Lungenentzündung) entsteht, wenn die Lunge nicht genügend Luft bekommt und mit Erregern wie Bakterien, Pilzen oder Viren besiedelt wird. Es entsteht eine Lungenentzündung.
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Beatmung - Invasiv und nicht Invasiv Beatmung (NIV) - Nurses to Germany. #malayalam #Deutsch
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BGA Analyse, ABG Analysis, Praxis Oriented - Nurses to Germany
BGA Analyse - Kurz gesagt: Die Blutgasanalyse ist eine Blutuntersuchung, bei der gemessen wird, wie viel Kohlendioxid und Sauerstoff im Blut enthalten sind. Daraus kann der Arzt Rückschlüsse auf die Gesundheit des Herzens und der Lunge ziehen.